Sunday, June 17, 2012

Chocolate Lab Drawing

Alrighty, just to show you all that I'm not dead (to anyone who actually reads this...?), I am actually giving you a piece of art to look at. And yes I know, it's crappy photo quality, still just using my cell for now.

So some of you may be thinking, why a dog? Don't you only draw people? Well generally speaking yes I only draw people when drawing for fun, but if someone gives me a (realistic) request I will draw whatever it may be. So yes, I drew a dog because I'm getting paid to draw a dog. My phone made the picture look weird... I just looked at it again and it's bugging me >:(

Oh well. Drawn in graphite on heavyweight, 90 lb (250 gsm), 100% cotton, neutral-pH paper that is acid-free and chlorine-free. (If anyone actually wants the brand you can message me a request for it.) Just saying, I still adore this paper! It's so sturdy and amazing! Erases like a dream too.

Now, just a heads up, I will be working on two oil paintings within the next few weeks (might try an egg and oil emulsion but don't count on it ;]) so watch out for those if you'd like to see them... and in other news an eight year-old girl asked me to draw her a mermaid. And you know, I love mermaids... soooo, look for that as well XD

Friday, June 1, 2012

Rant le Numéro Trois

'Ello cookies :)

Well because I haven't posted art lately, I feel that a rant is in order. It'll have to be a bit of a quick one today, but believe me it's a good one. Doctor's offices. No I'm not ranting about needles and shots and cold stethoscopes, I'm ranting about waiting.

We've all had to wait in the doctor's office, and we all hate it. And it's not because of that screaming child in the other room. It's because they keep you waiting, forever. I'm not joking, I wait for a check-up for about 45 minutes, even when there's nobody else around! Then, after this doctor gives me a two minute check-up, she sends me on my merry way. What the hell?

Isn't it just fantastic when you forget to cancel an appointment and you get a call saying you've been charge $40 or something because "this time was set aside especially for you." If that's the case, when my appointment time is 3:30 how about you see me then instead of at 4:20. Thanks.

I just went to the dermatologist recently to have what they deemed a "medical mystery" on my hand (this weird white splotch on my palm) checked out. Yeah, maybe you should spend more time trying to figure out what said "medical mystery" is, before sending me away. I fear for my life (not really ;) ).

Well, that's all I got for today. I'll try to get some art up in the next few days, I'll be working on an oil painting soon so I might just post progress on that.

- Iris