Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Rant Number Two

Alright cookies, I figured it was just about time for another post, and because I currently have only artwork that is incomplete, I thought I'd type up another rant. And let me tell you, do I have something to rant about. Today's subject shall be, classrooms. But it's particularly the people inside the classrooms that I want to talk about.

I've been having this issue for weeks now, and lately it's gotten much worse. It's driving me up the wall bonkers because no matter what I seem to do, nothing works. People talking in class. Now my classes are generally small, maybe ten people maximum per class. So you can imagine my annoyance when I'm trying to listen to lectures, add to discussions, take notes, and learn, and all I hear is people yammering about Star Wars and Youtube.

I'm telling you, it's ridiculous. I understand if you've been to several classes in a row and need five minutes to gather yourself, but when you're schedule has been open for the past four hours, I expect you to sit your ass down in that chair and shut up! And no, don't be sitting on Facebook giggling over some stupid comment/picture, don't watch Youtube, don't play games. Close your laptop, look at your teacher, and learn something, because this is just ridiculous.

You're being so disrespectful, I just have no words to describe it. You're being disrespectful to the person trying to teach you, to your fellow peers, and your disrupting their learning. If you are going to talk, whisper so I don't have to hear you. Or better yet, leave the damn classroom. If you don't want to get anything out of the class, fine by me, but when you start disrupting my learning, I'm going to get pissed off.

And here's the best part, none of them do shit. None of them. I haven't seen one person this year actually turn something in on time (out of the ones who chat-chit the entire class). I'm about to have an aneurism. This shit has to stop. When I am discussing Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, and Pirsig's idea of quality, I don't want to hear your voice talking (as loud as you possibly can) about that Youtube video. Next time you do, I'm going to lose it. I won't hesitate to punch you in the face.

Thus ends today's rant. It felt good to get that off my chest. I'm sure I'll have some art to post up in the next few days.... maybe....

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