Thursday, May 3, 2012

Rant Numero Uno

It's time to complain. I thought that I'd whip out my first post now, and what better to do than rant. That's really all blogs are anyway right? I mean, all people do is talk about things they enjoy, and rant about things they hate. Quite a simple philosophy if you ask me. So rant numero uno is about something we all share. The bathroom.

Now some of you smart, lovely, adorable little cookies out there might think you know what I'm going to say. But trust me, you don't. This rant isn't particularly about the bathroom in general, but toilet paper. Again bare with me because it's not what you think. I just want to know if anyone besides me know how to put a freaking roll of toilet paper on the toilet paper roller?! Seriously, I feel like I'm the only one! And not just in my home, no. I'm talking office buildings, and public places that have single bathrooms which require the toilet paper to be changed by civilians!

Am I nuts here because I'm imagining this? Am I a dumb-ass because I'm the only one who puts toilet paper back on the roll? I don't know! All I know is that it pisses me off. To the extreme.

Thus end rant #1. Very short this time, but I didn't really have much to say. I'll probably be posting up some art here in the next few moments, just to get this damn thing started.

- Iris

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